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Ihre Suchanfrage Verbund-ISN = BV047088376

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Integration of migrants into the labour market in Europe

Auflage: First edition
national, organizational and individual perspectives

Ort/Verlag/ISBN, Verlag, Jahr: Bingley, UK, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021
Umfangsangabe: 1 Online-Ressource (xx, 205 Seiten)
Schlagwort: Europa ,Ausländischer Arbeitnehmer ,Arbeitsmarkt ,Berufliche Integration
ISBN: 978-1-83909-904-5,978-1-83909-906-9


in die Merkliste | übergeordnete Titel | Permalink

Integration of migrants into the labour market in Europe
Hrsg./Bearb.: Hrsg./Bearb.: Zusatz:
national, organizational and individual perspectives
edited by Professor Sylwia Przytuła (Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland), and Łukasz Sułkowski (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
Bingley, UK
Emerald Publishing Limited
1 Online-Ressource (xx, 205 Seiten)
Schlagwort: Notation:
QV 200
Schlagwort 710:
Social integration ; Europe
Schlagwort 710:
Social Science, Emigration & Immigration ; bisacsh
Schlagwort 710:
Migration, immigration & emigration ; bicssc
Advanced series in management ; volume 25
This volume of Advanced Series in Management offers cutting-edge research into international migration in Europe. Living and working in a host country is challenging both for the host country (for its institutions, organizations and local people) as well as for the incoming migrants. Therefore, integration activities are essential for easing the transition. The purpose of this book is to examine various practices of integrating migrants in European countries from national, organizational and individual perspectives. This publication will be valuable to researchers in the field, as well as for entrepreneurs, international corporations employing from abroad, trainers preparing employees to work in multicultural teams, as well as for investors who plan to expand their business into foreign markets